- Harley Davidson 2004 Flstfi Fatboy Service Manual For Sale
- 2004 Flstfi Reviews
- Harley Davidson 2004 Flstfi Fatboy Service Manual
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Harley Davidson 2004 Flstfi Fatboy Service Manual For Sale

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Harley Davidson 2004 Flstfi Fatboy Service Manual
2001 Harley Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy Service Manual HD
2001 Harley Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy Service Manual |
| This Harley Davidson HD motorcycle service manual describes the service procedures for the complete bike. Follow the Maintenance Schedule recommendations to ensure that the chopper is in peak operating condition. Performing the scheduled maintenance is very important. It compensates for the initial wear that occurs during the life of the Harley Davidson HD motorcycle. All chapters in this service manual applies to the whole motorcycle and illustrates procedures for removal & installation of components that are in detailed step-by-step fashion. Chapters start with an assembly or system illustration, diagrams, exploded parts view, quality pictures, service information and troubleshooting for the section. The subsequent pages give detailed procedures. If you don’t know the source of the trouble, go to the troubleshooting page for a list of causes and effects to determine the problem. |
CLEANING AND INSPECTION 1WARNING Compressed air can pierce the skin and flying debris from compressed air could cause serious eye injury. Wear safety glasses when working with compressed air. Never use your hand to check for air leaks or to determine air flow rates. (00061a) 1. See Figure 7-5. Clean all parts except bearings (2) with solvent. Blow parts dry with low pressure compressed air. 2. Inspect bearings (2) and shifter cam ends. If ends of shifter cam are pitted or grooved, replace the shifter cam and bearings. Install new bearings in support blocks by pressing on the side of the bearing with letters stamped on it. Stamped side of bearing should face outward when support block is installed on cam. 3. Inspect shifter cam (4) for cracks or wear and replace if necessary. 4. Inspect neutral indicator switch in top cover. Depress plunger. It should spring back without binding. The switch is a non-repairable item and must be replaced if damaged. 1. Assemble shifter cam components if necessary. a. See Figure 7-5. Place a bearing (2) inside left support block (5) by pressing on the side of the bearing with letters stamped on it. This side should face out. NOTE See Figure 7-6. When installing new retaining ring verify the tab is on the right side and opening is towards bottom when you are looking at the end of the shifter drum. b. See Figure 7-5. Secure bearing by installing a new retaining ring (1) with the beveled side facing out. Place assembly on shifter cam and install a new small retaining ring (6). c. Place a bearing (2) inside right support block by pressing on the side of the bearing with letters stamped on it. This side should face out. Secure bearing by installing a new retaining ring (1) with the beveled side facing out. Slip right support block (3) over shifter cam (4). d. See Figure 7-7. Slide spring sleeve (1) inside the spring (2). Place follower (4) under sleeve and use pivot screw (3) to attach assembly to right support block. Tighten to 84-108 in-lbs (9.5-12.2 Nm). Service Manual, Repair Manual, Engine Repair Guide, Handbook, Tech Manual Book, pdf Downloadable Manual, Shop Manual, Workshop Manual, Study Guide, How To Fix, Diy, Tech Questions and Answers, Troubleshooting Tips, Engine Wont Start, Rough Idle, Engine Will Crank But Wont Turn Over, Excessive Blue or Black Smoke, Carb Tuning, Specs, Specifications Quickbooks validation code 2010. |